Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Country western hair


Occasionally, if I notice that someone on a baseball blog has written something egregious and erroneous, I won’t call them out on Twitter, but instead send them a courtesy email to protect them from their own shame. More often than not, my emails go unheeded, but twice I've received a kind response from the individual that I’m correcting. And once, I actually ended up having a really nice conversation with a blogger I greatly admire and he gave me some truly fascinating advice:

“Look, I don’t mean to be a downer but if you didn't play college sports and you don’t have Country Western hair, it’s unlikely that you will ever get a job in sports.”

He’s infuriating, but not at all wrong. The saga of female sports commentary is fascinating, and openly very sexist. Today, the most easily recognizable woman in the sports world is Erin Andrews of FOX Sports and formerly of ESPN--who is famous for getting naked once and saying incredibly stupid things even though she is a very intelligent college football analyst. Andrews has Country Western hair and though she did not play college sports, she was a cheerleader for the Florida Gators, which means that she’s hot and stood near football for a sufficient period of time to be recruited by national news networks.

But, in 2009, Andrews was filmed through a peephole in a hotel room without her knowledge and then subsequently posted on the internet. This horrifying invasion of privacy is the defining moment of her career. The harassment that was inflicted upon her as a result is all perfectly recorded for your reading pleasure if you Google “Erin Andrews” because Google loves to autocorrect her name to “Erin Andrews peephole”. Thanks, Google. You know exactly what I meant, I’m clearly not here to research a perfectly professional individual with a spectacular resume and an interesting story – I’m here to violate her privacy.

This is a woman who runs a television show about College Football and hosts men as correspondents, unlike the other 99.9 percent of all other sports programs on television that follow the opposite format. Sure, she says silly things once in a while, but “silly” is a total understatement when you breakdown the nonsense that emerges from the mouths of football analysts. Last weekend, I took a tally of the times that Jim Nantz and Phil Simms of CBS said “speed in space” – a phrase that means exactly zero things – in ten minutes, and the total was 86. That is stupid, borderline insane behavior. And while CBS commentators frequently field scrutiny for their total inanity, they never hear that they are stupid because they are men.

Erin Andrews, on the other hand, was deemed a “dumb blonde” by baseball fans across the nation because she accidentally stuttered to call Justin Verlander – one of the greatest pitchers in the last decade and arguably of all time – “Justin Bieber.” As embarrassing as that is, it was one single mistake that was picked at and scrutinized only because she’s a woman and therefore doesn't know anything about sports.

As for me, I sincerely doubt that I can take the pressure of that environment, but I’m not going to give up on the thing that I would most like to do with my life. So if you’re reading this and you know of a stylist who can make me look like Fara Fawcett’s hair had a baby with Cousin It, let me know. Maybe the Country Western hair isn't so much about the look as it is protecting yourself with a thick layer of hairspray for a helmet.

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